
Sunday, April 8, 2012

House to House: Bird watchers can take steps to protect songbirds from hawks

The following article printed in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette  and numerous papers throughout Arkansas is the sole product and property of the Arkansas Realtors Association

For the last two weeks, my co-workers and I have been enjoying the flirtations and frequent visitations of a family of cardinals outside our office windows. They often perch on the small ledges outside as if to ask if we, like the 6,000-plus Realtors in Arkansas, could help them find a home. 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

House to House: Tips help readers get bats out of belfry, other areas of home

The following article printed in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette  and numerous papers throughout Arkansas is the sole product and property of the Arkansas Realtors Association

I don’t know if it is the warm weather, but there seems to be a lot more news about bats in Arkansas lately. Just last week I was reading about a bat with rabies being found near the Old Mill in North Little Rock.

The good news is that bats are one of the best insect controls there is, eating up to 600 mosquitoes each in an hour. We love this aspect of bats so much that my husband and I are considering building a bat house. We are getting our plans from the Organization for Bat Conservation website